The Costs of Repairing a Boundary Fence or Party Wall Fence
A party fence wall is the one that separates the garden of one property from the adjoining property. It is built on the boundary line of the adjoining land. The wall that comes up in the garden can create certain disputes. In case it is found that a wall fence is defective, it can be confusing to find out whether the building owner is going to pay for the repair of the fences.
It should know that when the fence is damaged, the maintenance and repairing costs should be shared by both the owners involved. So, when the situation happens, it is important to talk with the adjacent owner to get the agreement for the damaged fence. The surveyor shall help you to prepare the details of the repair required and send the same to the tender.
Repairing Damaged Boundary Fence Work may not be Simple
Dealing with Boundary Fence Issue and repairing the damage may not be an easy task. Problems may arise when the adjoining owners refuse to pay for the damage or dispute of the fence wall caused.
Here, the Party Wall Act should be considered by the Boundary Surveyor to find out that the cost of the repairing the fence has to be shared between the owner and the neighbouring home. If you wish to benefit from this, the owner has to serve notice upon the other neighbour.
Once the neighbour owner gets the notification of notice, they can opt for either of the options.
- Choose the required repairing work: If the adjoining owner is ready to make up for the repairing work, both the parties involved need to present themselves in discussion with each other. In this, they have to decide when they wish to start the work and the budget within which they want to do the repairing work.
- Dispute the need for the repairing work: In case the adjoining owner is not ready to go with the repair work, it indicates that they disagree with the Party Wall Notice. Here, a Party Wall Surveyor is required who can agree on the Party Wall award and try to resolve the issues.
The surveyor is also responsible for finding out the reason for the damage caused to the wall fence. Based on this, it can help to determine the cost that will be required to repair the wall fence. In addition to this, the surveyor will also help in the surveying cost in helping with the Party Wall Award.
In case, there is a big tree in the owner’s or adjoining owner’s place, it should be known that the owner has to pay more part of the share of repairing work. Often the owner may have to bear the entire cost that is required to repair the wall fence. This includes the fee of the surveyor.
Therefore, to know the details of the costs involved, try to get a Party Wall Award from the Party Wall surveyor. The award includes both the parties responsible for the damage of the fence and they have to abide by the responsibilities equally.
In the case of neighbour extension Party Wall, neighbour conversion, party wall fence issue, and the like matters, you should feel free to get in touch with the conveyor and discuss the matters in detail. This shall help you know how to deal with the matter and who is going to pay which share of the damage of the wall fence. It is better to agree with the surveyor that shall help to resolve the issues at the earliest.